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ceramic sculpture meaning in Hindi

ceramic sculpture sentence in Hindi

मृत्‍तिका मूर्तिकला
ceramic    मृत्तिका कृति
sculpture    भास्करशिल्प
1.He drew, painted and specialized in wood and ceramic sculptures.

2.The German Media Prize is a ceramic sculpture, with no money attached.

3.In the farm in Rigny-le-Ferron, ceramic sculptures and murals.

4.Since the 1960s he also made ceramic sculptures.

5.This way of making a painting within a painting informed his later ceramic sculptures.

6.In the latter exhibit, Clawson's ceramic sculptures focus on injustices to animals.

7.Arneson used common objects in his work, which included both ceramic sculptures and drawings.

8.While Rosen used to make traditional tiles she is best known for her ceramic sculptures.

9.She focused on ceramic sculpture, graduating with an Associate of Arts degree in 1986.

10.Abigail's large scale ceramic sculptures are painstakingly constructed by hand from stoneware clay.

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How to say ceramic sculpture in Hindi and what is the meaning of ceramic sculpture in Hindi? ceramic sculpture Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.